Don’t you have a rejection list? Begin creating one!
Many of you will find yourselves in this writing because once it has happened to you or it is happening to you now. The list of rejections is not preferred for those who believe in the “Law of Attraction” or the “Law of Attraction.” You don’t necessarily have to attract such energy if the list is in your draft to learn from these rejections.
There are people who have not allowed failures and bad experiences to determine their fate.
I can’t get a job on Linkedin.
Personally, I have applied for countless applications on Linkedin. That means I have to commit 40 hours a week to a specific number of days, so don’t expect to see a number to catch your attention in the article. The idea is: to increase the chances of getting a job if you write DIRECTLY to the HR manager or CEO (because in Kosovo we have 3 CEOs per capita).
Secondly, it is very important to adjust what you write in the “job description” in your CV, not to exaggerate, but to adapt.
Don’t get upset if they reject you.
“We regret to inform you…” or however they wrote it in Albanian is one of the entrances that causes negative emotions and slaps to the face, sometimes. But eventually, no matter how late it seems, write back. Ask for “FEEDBACK” or clarification about their decision, always in cases when you know that the call was not planned for anyone.
Take a break…
You may have a problem with mental health in terms of not being able to look at the days of the month and see that the end of the month is approaching. Normally, this applies to those who pay bills or loan payments. But sometimes take a break, don’t give this job too much stress, it’s something that passes. Personally, when I stopped looking for a job, good people wrote to me and offered me positions that changed my life.
The list of rejections, what’s the point?
Use this list to remind yourself of the mistakes you made before applying, or simply to know which company or organization you should no longer apply to.